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I spent 3 days at Santa Clara Ranch, a 300 acre parcel of pristine, virgin, and native South Texas brush land. It was purchased and transformed into a nature photographer's escape. Beto and Clare Gutierrez, within months of acquisition, build photo blinds, pools, and set up feeders to keep the wildlife on the ranch. A lodge onsite provides all the conveniences of a modern home and will sleep 8 photographers.
1909 Male Painted Bunting in Tree1831 Gold Fronted Woodpecker on Branch1842 Unknown Yellow Throat2155 Bronzed Cowbird2131 Pair of White Winged Doves2153 Pesky Rabbit at the Pool2154 White Winged Dove2156 Javelina Visitors6455 White Collared Peccary6493 Mockingbird on Branch6511 Male Cardinal on Perch6524 Green Jay in Tree6537 Two Story Lark Sparrows6570 Female Cardinal Bathing2203 Painted Bunting in Tree2230 Roadrunner2401 Female Painted Bunting in Tree2281 Painted Bunting on Log2342 Western Coach Whip Snake